
May 20, 2008

Detroit Free Press On Immigration Enforcement

From the Detroit Free Press:
Whether it's regarded as Big Brother or a big improvement, the plan [to require Social s is getting a good vetting on Capitol Hill. It has enormous implications for employers and the Social Security Administration, which would conduct the background checks.

The American Civil Liberties Union, which opposes the plan, says the legislation would create a no-work list in the Washington bureaucracy.

"Americans should not have to ask their federal government if they have permission to accept a new job," said Caroline Fredrickson, the director of the ACLU's Washington legislative office. Others fear the assignment would overwhelm the Social Security Administration, which is already lagging in its work "Disability cases are piling up, and needy people are waiting years to receive their benefits," said Barbara Kennelly, president and chief executive officer of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare.


  1. "Testifying before the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Social Security last week, she said the plan would divert the agency's workers from their current jobs. And she noted the high cost: $10 billion over nine years, or nearly 10% of the agency's administrative budget.

    It might be 10 percent of the current budget, but Congress can easily make the budget whatever it takes.

    "It has enormous implications for employers and the Social Security Administration, which would conduct the background checks."

    SSA is not going to be doing background checks

    "Arizona Democratic Rep. Gabrielle Giffords of Tucson, whose district includes a 114-mile section of the 2,000-mile U.S.-Mexico border, said Congress should follow the lead of her home state. It's the first state to mandate a so-called E-verify program."

    "To give you some context, last year 387,000 illegal immigrants were apprehended in Arizona," Giffords said. "That's approximately 1,000 illegal immigrants every single day."

    Sounds to me that the program is working pretty good.

    "John Trasvina, president of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, said the plan would drive more illegal immigrants to the underground economy to avoid deportation."

    Hopefully, it will drive them out of the country I think that organization needs to remove American from their title, since they are obviously more concerned about illegal aliens than America.

    Trasvina said the plan's biggest winners would be unscrupulous employers.

    Need to go after them as well.

    "Employees would be less likely to complain about working conditions..."

    If you are here illegally what gives you the right to complain about anything and why should I care.

  2. I love this poster's inane comment that Congress can EASILY make SSA's budget whatever it takes. Congressional appropriations for SSA's admin. costs have been inadequate for years. "Easily..." indeed.

  3. Yes, easily. If all the Homeland Security/Patriot Act talk really means anything the money should be provided for SSA to do what they need to do with E-Verify.

    Spending money on handling disability claims is not important for national security and I don't see much bang for the buck that SSA has been given to process claims, so why would/should Congress give SSA a pile of money for that.
