
May 5, 2008

On Hold

From the Raleigh, NC News and Observer:

The Social Security Administration's has reduced its staffing by more than 5 percent since 2003, to about 60,000.

That means seniors such as Early L. Graham of Raleigh have dealt with long hold times and promises of call backs that never come.

"I had to call three different numbers before I got anyone on the phone," Graham said.

Brian Simpson, a spokesman at the Social Security office in Raleigh, said he hears similar complaints all the time.

Trying to handle customer demand with fewer employees, the agency has shifted some workers away from phone lines to front desks to assist walk-in clients.

Graham, 64, said he has tried for more than a year to resolve a complicated issue regarding his Social Security payments. On the rare occasions when he has gotten someone on the phone, he has had to explain his situation from the beginning.

1 comment:

  1. "Graham, 64, said he has tried for more than a year to resolve a complicated issue regarding his Social Security payments. On the rare occasions when he has gotten someone on the phone, he has had to explain his situation from the beginning."

    Duh, maybe after trying for a month or two over the phone you might go into the office.
