
Jun 26, 2008

Appropriations Process Stalls In House Of Representatives -- No Patience For BS

From The Hill:
The House Appropriations Committee on Thursday abruptly adjourned a markup of the Labor/HHS spending bill [which includes Social Security's administrative budget] after Republicans attempted to force votes on energy-related issues.

Following opening remarks by Chairman David Obey (D-Wis.), ranking Republican Rep. Jerry Lewis (Calif.) requested that Obey guarantee that the Interior appropriations bill would be scheduled for a markup on July 9. It had already been tentatively scheduled for that date, but Republicans said they had reason to believe it would be postponed.

At that point, according to Rep. John Peterson (R-Pa.), Obey replied, “If you want to run this place, get 30 more members.”

Lewis then attempted to force a vote by introducing an amendment that would have stricken the language from the Labor/HHS appropriations bill and replaced it with that of the measure funding the Interior Department.

When Peterson introduced an amendment regarding offshore drilling, instead of allowing him to present the contents, Rep. Norm Dicks (D-Wash.) called for a motion to adjourn, which passed on party lines. ...

Obey spokeswoman Kirstin Brost indicated the Wisconsin Democrat was not amused with the stunt, saying that the Interior bill was already scheduled for July 9.

“It should come as no surprise to anybody that Dave Obey has no patience for BS,” Brost said.

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