
Jun 13, 2008

De Soto Clarifies Remarks

I had earlier posted that Lisa De Soto, Social Security's Deputy Commissioner for the Office of Disability Adjudication and Review, said at the conference of the National Organization of Social Security Claimants Representatives (NOSSCR) in Miami on June 5 that Social Security had received an additional 140,000 requests for hearing this year, a statement that if true would be stunning news. The next day I posted a report that I had received through the grapevine that De Soto had misspoken, that she had meant to say that the 140,00 additional cases was over the next few years.

I have now heard that Ms. De Soto has officially asked NOSSCR to notify its members that she misspoke in saying that there were 140,000 additional requests for hearing this year. She meant to say 140,000 additional requests for hearing over the next several years.

1 comment:

  1. All of which proves that Mr. Astrue doesn't want Congress to hear that his plan to reduce the backlog was faulty from its inception. It would have been interesting to see his reaction to DeSoto when he heard about her comments. Above all, he/they don't want Congress and others to divine how little they know about what they are doing.
