
Jun 6, 2008

A+ For Social Security

From a recent online posting by the Social Security Administration:
On May 20, 2008, Tom Davis, ranking member of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, announced the results of the Committee's annual evaluation of agencies' ability to safeguard sensitive information on government computer systems. The grades are derived from annual reports agencies produce to comply with the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA).

Agencies were rated on their annual tests of information security, their plans of action and milestones or corrective-action plans, whether they certify and accredit their systems as secure, how well they manage the configuration of their computers to ensure security, how they detect and react to breaches, their training programs and the accuracy of their inventories.

SSA received a grade of A+ with high confidence in the results because of sterling financial audits. Click here for the Fiscal Year 2007 annual FISMA report card.

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