
Jun 15, 2008

I Wish There Were More Of These

From the Texarkana Gazette:
The Social Security Administration will present a seminar on work and disability Thursday at the Texarkana Public Library.

The seminar will be from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the library at 600 West Third Street, Texarkana, Texas.

Anyone with questions can contact Lisa McBay, SSA claims representative at 903-792-3818 ext. 231 or by e-mail at
It seems to me that policymakers in Washington and Baltimore cannot grasp that work incentives for disabled people do no good unless the public understands how they work. This sort of public outreach effort is desperately needed since the work incentives we have are so complex, but staffing is so short at Social Security offices that there is little of it.

1 comment:

  1. I am shocked that a CR's own phone number and email would be published for general consumption. It is virtually impossible now to listen to and respond to all of the voice mails that are left by legitimate claimants. What will she do after possibly hundreds of people leave voice mails or emails for her? Of course, that is if the public can get through to the office on the phone in the first place.
