
Jun 3, 2008

An Instant Classic!

You HAVE to see this video issued by Transamerica!


  1. As a Social Security lawyer and devoted opera fan, I gotta say that this is truly bizarre. If Georges Bizet and Giuseppe Verdi's estates had the right to sue Transamerica for malicious musical distortion, they should. I wonder if the good folks at Transamerica realize that the second number they use, from Verdi's Rigoletto, is titled La Donna e mobile or Woman Is Fickle.

  2. Nah, they're clueless about opera. And nearly so about SS. But it is hilarious in a warped sort of way.

  3. Great stuff--and very accurate--most people will ask a friend or relative what to do before ever contacting SSA--and they will act on whatever their friend/relative tells them, then complain to SSA that "I didn't know".

  4. A little out of date, in that most retirees do not need a birth certificate to file for benefits. You only need to submit your birth certificate if your date of birth is not correct in SSA's records.

  5. The birth certificate is only need if there is a material difference, so it doesn't need to be a perfect match with the Numident.

    You don't need your Social Security card either.
