
Jun 30, 2008

More On Social Security's Search For Updated Occupational Data

I had earlier posted about the Social Security Administration's effort to find a contractor to furnish updated occupational data, which sounds awfully boring, but which is vitally important in disability determination. Hundreds of thousands of claimants are being approved or denied disability benefits each year based upon terribly out of date occupational data.

The Social Security Administration has now posted some answers to questions posed by entities considering Social Security's solicitation. Here is one important one (emphasis added):
Question 3.

Section 2.1 (A) (13) allows for “unlimited use” of the data. Again, it may be inferred that the data may only be used in the context of the evaluation, but we would appreciate clarification that SSA/IE’s use is for evaluative purposes only.

The OIC shall permit SSA to test and validate the occupational information and periodic updates in all manners deemed necessary by SSA. SSA will not use the occupational information for claims adjudication or other business process purposes.
Can anyone help me understand what is going on here?

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