
Jun 4, 2008

New Central Office Digs Coming

From the Baltimore Business Journal -- and make sure to read to the end:

The U.S. Social Security Administration could soon be vacating its Metro West facility in downtown Baltimore for a new city headquarters, more than 18 months after it started looking for new space.

The federal General Services Administration, overseeing the search, said Wednesday it has narrowed its search to two sites in Baltimore City: 2600 Liberty Heights Ave.; and 6100 Wabash Ave. ...

The move would involve only a portion of Social Security's 300 N. Greene St. headquarters. ...

As the Baltimore Business Journal first reported Sept. 22, Social Security is planning to downsize to smaller space because of cutbacks in its workforce. ...

The agency once employed as many as 5,000 people, a number which has since fallen to under 2,000 people.


  1. I hope they have enough bullet proof vests to go around if they move to either of those buildings. Need to get the hell out of Baltimore City. I wouldn't work in Baltimore City if they would make me the Commissioner.

  2. The new SSA dress code.

  3. There's also the minor misunderstanding that Metro West is not SSA HQ.
