
Jun 9, 2008

Presidential Poll


  1. Sad state of affairs when those 4 are all wee have to pick from. Should have allowed for "none of the above" as a choice.

  2. Sad state of affairs when that is all you can muster for a comment.

    Lead, follow or get out of the way.

  3. I find it interesting that the response here is overwhelmingly for the Democratic candidate. I suspect it may be that those of us who frequent this site have seen what the inadequate budget for SSA during the time the Repulicans controlled the White House and the Congress have done to SSA and more importantly, to the claimants. An informal straw poll on AOL with 259,852 repsondents has 54% for Senator McCain and 46% for Senator Obama.

  4. "Sad state of affairs when that is all you can muster for a comment."

    Ok which one of those four is going to be added to Mt. Rushmore?

    Weak, very weak group.

    Of the two that have any chance of winning you have one old fart that just can't wait to bomb Iran (You think gas is high now) and the most liberal Senator in Congress and is where he is because of who he is, not anything that he has done.

    I guess on the bright side neither can be more of a f**k up than Bush.

  5. I was surprised that when I went to view the results that a McCain campaign pop up appeared. This happened to me last night and again this morning. Has someone hacked the site?
