
Jul 8, 2008

2007 Allowance And Denial Rates

The National Organization of Social Security Claimants Representatives (NOSSCR) has obtained from Social Security a report on the allowance and denial rates on disability claims at the initial and reconsideration levels for 2007. The pages are reproduced here. Click on each to view full size. Note the disparities between the states. By the way, you may want to note NOSSCR's newly redesigned website.


  1. Strange stats. In Colorado there is no recon as we go straight to hearing yet there are stats. Also denials seem closer to 80% at the initial level.

  2. Remarkable statistics. As you stated, the disparity in the allowance/denial rates among the states is notable.
    In my home state of Maine, 63.8% of inital claims were denied... that's almost 2 out of 3. And then, almost 5 out of 6 of those claims that were appealed were denied at reconsideration. Wow. Thank you for posting the stats.
