
Jul 2, 2008

ALJ Register To Reopen

A press release from the Office of Personnel Management:
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management today [July 2] announced it will re-open the Administrative Law Judge examination to refresh the list of eligible candidates who serve as impartial arbiters at regulatory and benefits-granting federal agencies.

OPM will officially announce the 2008 ALJ examination on its USAJOBS website ( in the near future. The application filing period will be made public at that time; the application limit will factor-in future agency hiring needs.

OPM Director Linda M. Springer said the new examination advances the agency's strategy of maintaining a sufficient number of qualified ALJ candidates to serve as arbiters of fact in formal proceedings requiring a decision on the record.

"From time to time, we must re-open the exam to ensure federal agencies have access to ALJ candidates who will serve the interests of America's citizens expeditiously and in accordance with law," said Springer. "Additionally, we are giving professional men and women the opportunity to serve their country in an important capacity."

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