
Jul 28, 2008

New ALJ Backs Out In Tampa

From the Bradenton (FL) Herald:

A new judge selected and trained to help clear a backlog of Social Security disability appeals has declined the job.

"The Social Security Administration still intends to hire an administrative law judge for the Tampa hearing offices," Desmond Thornton, a Social Security spokesman, said Friday in confirming a new judge would have to be selected.

Unfortunately, because the individual who had accepted the position changed his mind shortly before he was due to report, the Social Security Administration is unable to repost the vacancy right away, Thornton said. The Office of Personal Management has to announce the opening and so far, that hasn't been done.

The news of the delay angered Rep. Kathy Castor, D-Tampa, who represents part of Manatee County.

"They don't have a backup plan. Now someone else will have to go through the training," Castor said.


  1. Of course there is no backup plan--Congress won't fund one.Isn't she the one who wants to mandate a time-limit on decisions? How much increased funding has she proposed?
    This is why Congress' approval rating is even lower than Bush's.

  2. Why did the ALJ bale? He or she find out they might have to work? LOL

  3. No country clubs in Tampa?
