
Aug 21, 2008

Social Security -- The Movie

I have a hard time believing this will get many viewers, but I.O.U.S.A., a movie, is being released today. A blurb describes it as being … an alternately amusing and alarming primer on America's off-the-charts fiscal irresponsibility ...

The Comptroller General, Patrick Creadon, is featured in the movie according to the International Movide Data Base. I guess he is trying to go down the same path as Al Gore.

Apparently, Social Security must be discussed prominently in the movie, since the National Academy of Social Insurance is offering to make "experts" available to discuss the movie with reporters.


  1. I have a hard time believing this will get many viewers, but I.O.U.S.A., a movie, is being released today.

    Because it doesn't fit their agenda it probably will not get the news coverage of what was given to the Micheal Moore movies.

    Should be mandatory for all members of Congress.

  2. Patrick Creadon is the director. David Walker is the former U.S. Comptroller General and unlike Gore he isn't spouting a bunch of BS.
