
Aug 3, 2008

Staff Instructions On Informal Remands

Social Security has finally gotten around to issuing staff instructions on the "informal remand" process, also known as re-recon. After a request for a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) some cases are sent back for what amounts to a new review at the reconsideration level. My understanding that only fully favorable decisions could be issued on re-recon is confirmed.

1 comment:

  1. I briefly reviewed this information and appreciate your getting it out quickly. It amazes me how SSA constantly recycles OLD programs and processes and claims it is new. This is the same thing they tried after the failed attempt at "Process Unification" in 1996 and the Adjudication Officer program. My experience with this was that it simply increased the processing time, at least in Region II where I served at that time (the Newark Hearing Office - I was formerly known as "Joyce Krutick Barlow"). In fact in the few cases I sent back I got nothing more than PRTF's filled out, no new information and that took six months to a year! Just another way to INCREASE THE BACKLOG! Way to Go SSA!
