
Aug 24, 2008

Union Seeks More Work At Home Options

From the National Council Digest, a publication of the American Federation of Government Employees local which represents a large portion of Social Security's workforce:
Will more Social Security employees ever be able to work from home?

Witold Skwierczynski, the President of Council 220, thinks it’s a possibility and one that could be discussed during the next round of contract nego-tiations.

“If employees put that high on the list of their preferences, it will be high on the list,” he told the DIGEST.

The contract doesn’t expire until August, 2009 but the Union is already preparing for the next set of labor/management negotiations.

“It would appear that the current Commissioner of Social Security is not inclined to expand tele-work (or working at home) to employees who work in field offices and teleservice centers,” Skwierczynski said. “Hopefully a new Administra-tion which will take office in January will have a different attitude when this issue is addressed in contract negotiations next year.


  1. At least I learned something from reading the union newsletter. I'm going to be sure to tell my representative to vote for H.R. 4088 (The SAVE Act of 2007).

  2. Work at home is a scam. It should be abolished, not expanded.

  3. I don't want to work at home. Then I can't complain about co-workers not doing their fair share of the work, office being too hot/cold, cafeteria prices being too high, chair not comfortable, having to park so far from the building and I don't want my people skills to get rusty.

  4. It is possible to work from home on the Internet, in fact I do, but I have never had to join a program that promised me great fortune and neither should you.
