
Sep 10, 2008

Appropriations Situation

I hate to yank your chain, but this is from The Hill:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) cautioned Republicans Monday against forcing a government shutdown over expanded oil drilling ...

With no appropriations bills signed by President Bush, lawmakers’ chief task this month is to pass a stopgap measure to fund the federal government in the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1.

Republicans are mulling whether to press the offshore oil drilling fight by blocking the funding resolution, which contains the congressional moratorium on such drilling.

Reid reminded the GOP that its government shutdown led by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) during the Clinton administration was met with widespread public disapproval.


  1. If the GOP takes such action, it will only demonstrate that party's flagrant irresponsibilty and should pretty much seal their fate in the elections (if it isn't already sealed by the incompetence they have demonstrated these past 8 years.)

  2. And the Democrats have demonstrated how much more competent they are over the past 18 months? News flash--lowest rated Congress ever. Have taken no action to rescue SSA. Blame everything on Republicans. Have media totally in their corner, and still have no accomplishments.

  3. Bring it on, I need a vacation.
