
Sep 7, 2008

New Edition Of My Book Available

West Publishing has released the 2008 edition of my book, Social Security Disability Practice. You can take a look at the table of contents online.


  1. Shouldn't it be call "How to Make a Living on Other People's Misery"

  2. Oh come on, that's a stupid comment. What, people are supposed to do this for free? In your dreams. Go make of nuisance of yourself elsewhere, please.

  3. If the system wasn't made so complicate with laws written by Congress with I'm sure the help of many lawyers, a person could handle the case themselves.

    Just look at the fact that SSA only just started withholding fees for non lawyers and you have to just through a bunch of hoops to qualify.

    Many times I have heard from people "my lawyer didn't do anything," but once you sign that agreement, you are on the hook for that 25% of past due benefits.

    I knew the fix was on when I was a BA and the only time you round up a computation is on an an attorney fee.

  4. One more thing when the fee max was raised from $4000 to $5300 SSA started charging the processing fee, with I think was something like 6% of the fee and then it gets capped at $75.00, so I wonder who put the pressure on to get the fee raised and then cap the processing fee.

    Paying lawyers is a PC priority, but people wait for months to get their S9 money.

    SSDI program benefits lawyers more than anything.

  5. Lazy ALJs slow up the process and they are just lawyers in robes.
