
Sep 25, 2008

Social Security And Voter Registration

Social Security is planning to take its Social Security number database offline for routine maintenance from October 10 to 13. This is a matter of concern to the California Secretary of State because California is using the database to verify voter registration. Apparently, eleven other states would be similarly affected. Senator Feinstein has written to the Commissioner of Social Security to ask that the maintenance be delayed until after voter registration closes.


  1. It seems like a legitimate request. Any clue as to the timing of the social security administration taking their system offline during an election season. I am not suggesting their is collusion or a master plan, but only wondering.

  2. I think I recall things being shutdown during that time the past few years.

    Keep looking out the window for the black helicopters. LOL

  3. I believe it is to prepare for the cola update info that comes out at the end of October each year.

  4. For the past 20 years the agency has used the 3 day weekend of Columbus day to do required maintenance on their systems. There will always be someone inconvienenced by any organizations need to shut down at an inconvienant time, but the amount of maintenance that gets done over that weekend is crucial to the systems stability. Sure things could be moved, but the next 3 day weekend isn't until January 19.
