
Sep 1, 2008

Some Old Poll Results -- Great Prognostications!

Below are the results of a couple of polls that appeared here in September and October of 2007.

I will do a new poll after the Republican convention asking whom you think will win the general election, but the results of these polls suggest that no one should not put much faith in the prognosticating ability of the readers of this blog!
Who Will Win The Democratic Nomination?
Who do think will be win the Democratic nomination for President in 2008?
Joe Biden (0) 0%
Hillary Clinton (79) 65%
Chris Dodd (4) 3%
John Edwards (13) 11%
Mike Gravel (3) 2%
Dennis Kucinich (2) 2%
Barack Obama (11) 9%
Bill Richardson (2) 2%
None of the above (2) 2%
Don't know (6) 5%

Total Votes: 122

Who do you think will win the 2008 Republican Presidential nomination?
Sam Brownback (3) 4%
Rudolph Giuliani (34) 45%
Mike Huckabee (5) 7%
Duncan Hunter (2) 3%
Alan Keyes (3) 4%
John McCain (2) 3%
Ron Paul (5) 7%
Mitt Romney (11) 15%
Tom Tancredo (2) 3%
Fred Thompson (8) 11%

Total Votes: 75

1 comment:

  1. Well that's who the media was promoting to win at the time. If the media was promoting Obama and McCain at that time I'm sure the poll would have had them doing better. If you took another poll Hillary would probably would still win, but I guess in politics there are no do overs.
