
Sep 26, 2008

SSA Admits Scheduling Hearing Early Due To Pressure

Take a look at this report from WSAV in Savannah about Larry Kirkland, a Social Security disability claimant. The reporter asks a spokesperson for Social Security why Mr. Kirkland's hearing was scheduled almost immediately after the reporter became involved in the case. The response from the Social Security spokesperson, was, "Uh, well, from my understanding there was also some Congressional interest in the case."

I am happy for Mr. Kirkland, but what about all those other claimants who are not the subject of a television report? When Mr. Kirkland is allowed to jump ahead of them in line, they just get pushed back. That is just not fair.

My crystal ball is cloudy, but this looks like the sort of thing that a Social Security Commissioner would allow only if he were not planning to stay around much longer.

1 comment:

  1. "The reporter asks a spokesperson for Social Security why Mr. Kirkland's hearing was scheduled almost immediately after the reporter became involved in the case."

    I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here! LOL
