
Sep 24, 2008

Strategic Plan Released

The Social Security Administration has released its new strategic plan for fiscal years 2008 to 2013. The document shows that the agency's workload will increase significantly in coming years. I see some laudable goals for improved customer service. However, I see no plan that has any hope of coping with the current workload, much less an increased workload. On the whole, this is not a plan. It is hardly a fig leaf to cover the lack of a plan.

The plan does indicate that Social Security plans to spend money to encourage people to save. That is another laudable goal, but such a program could also be used to scare people about the future of Social Security, which, probably, is the reason for the program.


  1. People need to be scared. Not because Social Security won't be there, but because it will not cover all of their expenses in retirement and they don't understand that.

    Scaring them might make them wake up and realize they have to actively prepare for retirement.

  2. Why is it always a five year plan?
