
Oct 2, 2008

Database Shutdown Remains Controversial

From WFSB in Hartford, CT:
The Social Security Administration’s plan to just down its online systems could hinder 40 states in verifying voter registrations, Secretary of State Susan Bysiewicz said Thursday."

I urge Social Security Administration Commissioner Michael J. Astrue to reconsider the timing of the National Computer Center Annual Building Shutdown from Oct. 11 to 13, 2008," said Bysiewicz. "The shutdown will result in the inaccessibility of online system services just weeks before the Nov. 4 elections. More than 40 states across the country have voter registration deadlines in October, and where state law requires a match against the SSA database, thousands of citizens could be disenfranchised with the system down at such a critical time."


  1. Same old story--people have months ahead of the election to register to vote, and wait til the last minute, then cry "disenfranchisement" which is just another liberal buzzword.
    And now they have SSA to blame, besides. This is just pathetic.

  2. They shut down the same weekend every year, even in election years. Why are they so upset this year?

  3. The "Help America Vote Act" requirement that states use electronic verification to match voter info against SSA and state DMVs did not become effective until 2006.

  4. I still bet that the same people that want to use SSA data to register voters, are the same ones that say E-Verify is bad because SSA data is full of errors.
