
Oct 13, 2008

Draft Of Frequently Asked Questions

On the separate Social Security Perspectives blog I have posted a draft of an update to my Frequently Asked Questions. I am posting them to ask for comments. Do you think any of the answers are wrong or misleading or outdated? Are there other questions that I ought to include?

These FAQs have been used with my consent by the National Organization of Social Security Claimants Representatives (NOSSCR) and a few others and illegally by many more. You may freely link to this draft of the FAQs, but you ought to wait until I finalize them. You may not simply steal them however. Copying them, with or without attribution, and using them elsewhere, whether online or offline, without my permission is a copyright violation or to be more blunt, theft. That is illegal and can get you in trouble.

1 comment:

  1. An FAQ that should be included is the following:

    "After I have been approved for Social Security disability benefits, how long will I have to wait before I start getting checks?"

    The answer is, "there is no definite answer to this question, because you will have to wait until a Program Service Center processes your claim. This can take several months, but the PSC's are understaffed and have a great deal of nondisability work to do. In addition, the authorizers who process claims in the PSC's have to answer phone calls, which cuts down on their claims-processing time.
