
Oct 7, 2008

First Meeting Of Future Systems Technology Advisory Panel -- Who Is On It?

Commissioner Astrue has set up a Future Systems Advisory Panel for Social Security. Today's Federal Register contains a notice that this body will hold its first meeting on October 23. I cannot seem to find a list of who was appointed to this body. Can anyone help me.

1 comment:

  1. Future Systems Technology Advisory Panel – Dianne Rose, Acting Associate Commissioner, Office of Acquisition and Grants, DCBFM
    Commissioner Astrue has formed the panel to be a road map for the agency in determining what future systems and technologies it may need to develop in online applications, customer services or any other areas.
    o On May 1, 2008, the federal register announced the panel.
    o GSA authorized the panel.
    o DCBFM developed the charter, budget and timeline and briefed the Chief of Staff.
    o The panel will be comprised of 11 members of top “blue ribbon” executives. Nine of the panel members will be outside of the Government, one will represent the Office of Systems, and the other member will represent the Office of Operations. The panel duration will last two years unless it is renewed.
    o The recruitment of members come from various industries including Health care, customer service, document management industry, financial industry, academia (business), private industry, beneficiaries (AARP), technology (Google/Microsoft), and Government representatives.
    o Five of the nine selections have accepted to be on the panel. Four select panel members are still in process for follow-ups.

    Mr. Gregory E. Buoncontri
    Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer
    Pitney Bowes Dr. John D. Halamka
    Chief Information Officer
    Associate Professor of Medicine
    Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
    Professor Henry Lucas
    Decision and Information Technologies Department
    Robert H. Smith School of Business
    University of Maryland Ms. Maria Morris
    Executive Vice President
    Technology and Operations
    MetLife, Inc.

    Mr. Franklin S. Reeder -- writes, consults and teaches on information policy and public management issues with The Reeder Group, a firm he formed after a career of more than 35 years in public service. His column on managing technology appears regularly in Government Executive magazine, where he is a contributing editor. Mr. Reeder is chairman of the Center for Internet Security, a not-for-profit established “to help organizations around the world effectively manage the organizational risks related to information security …” []. He also chairs the National Computer Systems Security and Privacy Advisory Board of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, a federal advisory committee []

    o The meetings in Washington D.C. are to last between 1 - 2 days each quarter and will be open to the public.
    o The panel members are to devote 2 days each month regarding advice and recommendation. The first 9 months of this process will provide recommendations, where the 12th month will provide a report.
    o SSA will provide the panel a 10-12 page briefing paper to the panel. As an attraction to the panel, SSA will invite Clay Johnson to meet the panel.
    o The Office of General Council is requesting the legislation to make the panel permanent. A web site for the panel is forthcoming.
    o The panel is open to the public during deliberation. There is a 15 day advance posting of the meetings with video conferencing.
    o The Commissioner was briefed of preliminary panel members in February and will announce the panel selections within the near future. The Commissioner approved both the budget and timelines.
