
Nov 21, 2008

Apfel Now With Transatlantic Holdings

Kenneth Apfel, who was Commissioner of Social Security from 1997 to 2001, is now Executive Vice President and Chief Actuary of Transatlantic Holdings. Until recently, Apfel held the Sid Richardson Chair in Public Affairs at the Lyndon Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas. The University of Texas website still shows him there but he must have left since his UT e-mail account is no longer working. This change may also explain why Apfel is not on the Obama transition team for Social Security.

Update: The Ken Apfel at Transatlantic Holdings probably is not the Ken Apfel who was Commissioner of Social Security since the Ken Apfel at Transatlantic Holdings worked for AIG from 1981 to 2004. How many Ken Apfels are there in the world?

1 comment:

  1. Chief Actuary? Ken Apfel? He has no training in the field. The title must have very different meaning in this company than it does in most of the world.
