
Nov 4, 2008

Open Forum: What Do The Election Results Mean For Social Security

At this writing, it is certainly looking as if Barack Obama will be the next President of the United States and that Democrats will have larger margins in the Senate and House of Representatives.

What do you think this means for Social Security? Share your views, opinions and guesses by commenting on this post.


  1. compassion and/or fairness to the system and society.

    btw,i'm a black male.America has made a reasonable choice.

  2. It will take time to change such a complex system as the Social Security disability program, but there are many things which can and should be done to improve the fairness and speed of decision making. Some of this is within the President's control as chief executive, but many aspects of the program have developed over decades and will not change soon. I expect that COSS Astrue may stay for a while, but then resign to return to private life.

  3. The cap on the Social Security portion of the FICA tax will probably be removed or raised on the "rich". Union reps doing even less of the work they are paid to do.

    Other than that I don't see much changing at SSA.
