
Dec 19, 2008

A Message From The Commissioner Of Social Security

This came out today from the Commissioner of Social Security:
A Message To All SSA And DDS Employees

Subject: Continuing Resolution

Since October 1, we have been operating under a continuing resolution (CR) that holds us to last year’s funding level. The CR causes a significant strain not only because our workloads are increasing, but also because our fixed costs, such as rent and guard services, increase substantially each year. This CR has exacerbated our already fragile situation. We have done what we can to mitigate the deterioration in service, but the reality is that our inability to replace most staff during the CR will result in longer waiting and processing times.

I am sure by now you have noticed the adverse impact that the declining economy has had on our day-to-day work. The actuaries recently issued new projections of even higher workloads than we are already seeing in our front-line operations. Retirement applications are up, although not as much as we might expect because for every person who is taking retirement due to an unexpected termination, there is probably another person deferring retirement due to a loss in retirement savings. Calls and visits to field offices are up substantially, and both disability filings and appeals are surging.

We are hopeful that we will have a full-year appropriation for FY 2009 soon. Current indications are that Congress plans to pass an appropriation for us in January, shortly after the inauguration. Congress on both sides of the aisle understands our needs. The House Appropriations Subcommittee has recommended an additional $100 million for the agency above the President’s request, and the Senate Appropriations Committee has recommended an additional $50 million above the President’s request. These figures indicate that we could receive more than the President’s Budget for FY 2009, which would give us some much needed relief.

I want you to know that I am aware of the strain that you are under. I really appreciate your hard work and dedication in these difficult times. I will keep you posted on the future developments concerning our appropriations.

Michael J. Astrue

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