
Jan 21, 2009

$902 Million Supplemental Appropriation Being Marked Up Today In House Committee

The House Appropriations Committee is marking up the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act today beginning at noon. This is the bill that would give Social Security a $902 million supplemental appropriation. See the link at the Committee website for the webcast.



    There are no earmarks in this package.

    And I have a bridge I want to sell you. LOL

    Broadband to Give Every Community Access to the Global Economy • Wireless and Broadband Grants: $6 billion for broadband and wireless services in underserved areas to strengthen the economy and provide business and job opportunities in every section of America with benefits to e-commerce, education, and healthcare. For every dollar invested in broadband the economy sees a ten-fold return on that investment.

    Really, then why did companies give up trying to provide broadband to some cities if it was such a great money maker.

    DTV Conversion Coupons: $650 million to continue the coupon program to enable American households to convert from analog television transmission to digital transmission.

    This recovers the economy how?

    Title I Help for Disadvantaged Kids: $13 billion for grants to help disadvantaged kids in nearly every school district and more than half of all public schools reach high academic standards.

    My child goes to a Title I school and all the money in the would isn't going to make those kids with their bonehead parents learn anything

    What no midnight basketball program?

  2. OK, let's answer your questions.

    The return on broadband is 10 fold to the economy in general, not the broadband companies themselves.

    The coupons for DTV helps the economy through their purchase, first, and second through the communications that TV provides. No DTV converter, no TV for many folks.

    Money can't cure bonehead parents, but it sure can help Title 1 schools improve--and attract more kids who don't have bonehead parents.

    Speaking of boneheads...oh, never mind.

  3. You can call me all the names you want, but there is hardly anything in that bill to make a lasting impact on the economy.

    They are just a bunch of public works projects, that may or may not help what they are being used for, but sure as hell isn't going to fix the economy and calling it AMERICAN RECOVERY AND REINVESTMENT is BS.
