
Jan 17, 2009

Congressmen Call For Crackdown

The Oregonian newspaper reports that Congressman Kevin Brady of Texas and three other Republican members of the House Social Security Subcommittee, is calling for a crackdown on those who collect disability checks from Social Security but who are no longer disabled.

Of course, Social Security could have been doing a better job of cutting off benefits to those who were no longer disabled if Republicans had just given the agency more operating funds over the last eight years.


  1. And you would have screamed bloody murder if the "Republicans" had been aggressive in cutting people off Social Security. I also don't recall the "Republicans" recently controlling Congress and the power of budget appropriations.

  2. Excuse me but the Republicans had control of the Congress already during the Clinton administration. The Democrats have only had a slim majority since 2007! And President Bush would have vetoed any significant increase because he knew the Republican minority would not vote to override him. Republicans only seem to care about what benefits the wealthy.

  3. Yeah and what happens when they do catch someone, slap on the wrist.

    Pendelton Merriam wasn’t sentenced to any jail time after pleading guilty to one count of Social Security fraud, but was placed on five years probation. During that time, he must pay $4,280 in restitution to his mother at a rate of $125 per month.

    United States Attorney Tom Colantuono
    reports that 55-year-old Irene D. Howard of Waterville, Maine, was sentenced today to two years of probation and six months of home confinement for the interstate transfer of funds she stole from the Social Security Administration.

    People need to be given jail time and have some real fear of getting caught.

  4. Republicans have never,in my political awareness,cared about the poor or the majority of american's concerns.It's to late to restore an image of conservatism.Those who clearly is defrauding the government should be removed but it shouldn't be a witch hunt because it wouldn't help the republican brand,actually it will worsen it.Desperate republicans.

    Non jurist.
