
Jan 30, 2009

Former Mayor Charged With Fraud

From The State, of Columbia, SC:

The same former small-town South Carolina mayor who pleaded guilty to misconduct last year is now charged with Social Security fraud.

U.S. Attorney Walt Wilkins said Wednesday that Alan Lenneau Berry has been charged with embezzling $130,000 in Social Security funds.

Agents said Berry had his salary checks as Latta mayor issued in his wife’s name so he could receive Social Security disability checks from 2004 to 2008.


  1. I'd like to know who the idiot was that paid this jerk. They ought to be fired.

  2. How in the world did it take FOUR YEARS for someone to realize that this guy was being paid disability while working full-time as the mayor. That's insane.

  3. because ODAR is run by a bunch of high school educated monkeys.

  4. Watch he'll get nothing but a slap on the wrist. They always make a big deal when the catch someone, but no one ever goes to prison for ripping of SSA.
