
Jan 23, 2009

Open Government?

I noted earlier that Social Security's Occupational Information Development Advisory Panel will have its first meeting on February 23, but, apart from the Chairman, I had been unable to find any of the names of the members. I am told that there is a good reason why I had been unable to find the names of the members. Social Security does not intend to release the names of the members until the first meeting begins. I have no idea whether this is just pointless secrecy or whether they are still trying to assemble the panel, but it makes Social Security look foolish in my eyes. This meshes poorly with President Obama's goal of more open government.

1 comment:

  1. File a FOIA request and ask for the identities of the Advisory Panel. If Obama means what he says about FOIA, don't you think the agency will respond? In the request, kindly remind the agency of the president's statement about the government's "new" FOIA policy on his first full day in office.
