
Feb 5, 2009

"Centrist" Group Of Senators Wants To Cut $140 Million From Social Security

A group of what are labeled "centrist" Senators is circulating a list of cuts they want to see in the Senate version of the President's economic stimulus package. The list includes a $140 million cut for Social Security (page 6). This would cut out the entire amount for what the bill calls "information technology acquisitions and research, which may include research and activities to facilitate the adoption of electronic medical records in disability claims and the transfer of funds to ‘‘Supplemental Security Income’’ to carry out activities under section 1110 of the Social Security Act", but leaves $750 million for the National Computer Center.

I still cannot comprehend why the Senate bill has no money to improve the immediate situation at Social Security.


  1. "I still cannot comprehend why the Senate bill has no money to improve the immediate situation at Social Security."

    What part of this supposedly being a bill to stimulate the economy don’t you understand?

    If SSA needs money put it in a separate bill and vote on it.

  2. "I still cannot comprehend why the Senate bill has no money to improve the immediate situation at Social Security."

    Let me put it to you bluntly: Congress doesn't care about Social Security. Not one iota.

    The situation with SSA exists now because of that fact. No politician ever made money for him/her self by worrying about Social Security, and don't look for them to start now.

  3. Agree with the first comment. Completely disagree with the second comment. If Congress wants to stimulate the economy with emergency legislation, the money spent should be narrowly tailored for that purpose. An increase in Social Security spending should go through the normal legislative process. And yes, the increase will have to be substantially more than Astrue has requested in the past or the backlog will keep "unexpectedly" creeping upward.
