
Feb 13, 2009

Commissioner Makes Ethics Pledge

A press release from Social Security:

Michael J. Astrue, Commissioner of Social Security, announced that he has voluntarily signed President Obama’s Ethics Pledge, an action required only of new political appointees in this Administration. Commissioner Astrue was confirmed by the Senate in 2007 for a six-year term.

“I gladly signed President Obama’s Ethics Pledge because I strongly support the President’s view that we serve only the interests of the American people. As the President has stated, ‘The American people deserve more than simply an assurance that those who are coming to Washington will serve their interests. They also deserve to know that there are rules on the books to keep it that way. They deserve a government that is truly of, by and for the people.’”

To view a signed copy of the pledge, click here.


  1. Does the pledge have any law behind it? Otherwise, it not worth the paper it's written on.

  2. Does signing the pledge mean that Astrue will be a continuing member of the new Administration?

  3. A pledge is a pledge. This doesn't sound like anything with teeth. But, Astrue is an appointee in a supposedly independent exec. agency. Depends on if he can be removed only for cause, I suppose. Does anyone know? Mr. Hall, any info you can share?

  4. Most of the stuff in the pledge has to do with what he won't do after he leaves anyway. Obama needs to stop picking like Tom Dashle and William Lynn that are/were lobbyists, not some BS pledge of what they won't do after they leave.
