
Feb 20, 2009

FY 2010 Budget Coming Next Week

The New York Times is reporting that President Obama will release his recommended budget for FY (Fiscal Year) 2010 next week. The 2010 fiscal year begins on October 1, 2009. Meanwhile, most federal agencies, including Social Security, are working under a Continuing Resolution (CR) for FY 2009 that freezes their expenditures at the previous fiscal year's rate. Social Security got a special appropriation of $500 million in the economic stimulus bill which helps a lot, but would still like to get a real budget for FY 2009. It is hard for the agency to plan in these circumstances.


  1. Does this likely mean that most SSA Offices will likely not be hiring or filling some of their currently vacant positions?

  2. SSA is reluctant to do much hiring while under a continuing resolution that restricts spending to last year's level. The 2010 budget submission is just a proposal for Congress to consider so it will have little impact on spending now. A 2009 budget is desperately needed.

  3. I cannot say how tired I am of hearing that "SSA is under CR, so we can't order photocopy paper, toner, pencils etc after doggone etc. WE GOTTA BE CAREFUL." Just askin', we have X to spend between now and 9/30 or whenever. Would the world end if we just went ahead and spent it?

    The DOD spends all its money routinely, and then, presto! Here comes a supplemental approp. and the fun begins again. This is a rant, and nothing but a rant, but I had to say it after all these years. Alrighty, that's better. And, now for something completely different...
