
Mar 20, 2009

Astrue Speaks At NADR Conference

Commissioner Astrue spoke at the convention of the National Association of Disability Representatives (NADR) yesterday. I am told that he announced:
  • The fees paid to Vocational Experts for testifying at Social Security hearings will rise by 10%.
  • Fees paid to Medical Expert witnesses for their testimony are under review.
  • The current process by which those who represent Social Security claimants notify the agency of their identifying information using form 1695 will be phased out. Apparently, Astrue did not discuss what will replace it.
  • Astrue expects that sometime next year Social Security will adopt regulations which will recognize entities as representatives of claimants.
  • New hearing offices will open this year. A new office for Fayetteville, NC is to be in the second round of office openings, but is still likely to open this year.

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