
Mar 26, 2009

Refighting The New Deal

From a press release issued by Representative John Linder (R-GA), a member of the House Ways and Means Committee:

There is no question that this backlog is one we must work to fix. That said, in the long run, the more important concern, and what this hearing is really about, is the plummeting credibility of those who think that the Federal government can solve the problems of ordinary Americans. Too many of my Democrat colleagues think that anything that is wrong can be fixed by big government programs like SSDI and SSI. We are here today talking about why they are failing, but instead of learning a lesson about the failure of government-run welfare, the Majority party on this Committee will continue to push for big government programs; and they will fail.

You underfund an agency until it breaks down and is unable to adequately fulfill its mission. Then you use the agency's breakdown as justification for eliminating the agency. Makes sense if you really, really hate Social Security.

Representative Kevin Brady (R-TX), a member of the House Ways and Means Committee, has also issued a press release that talks about his participation in yesterday's hearing. The press release talks solely about fraud in the Social Security disability programs. He expresses no concern about poor service and huge backlogs at Social Security.


  1. Well, doggone it! "I stands all I can stands! I can't stands anymore!" Anybody got a spare rail? I can rustle up some roof tar from Lowes and I'll donate a coupla old pillows for the feathers. Good thing I took my HBP pills a while ago, or I really be ranting and raving. If they don't quit this mess, I think we should talk to they mamas.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Are all Republicans scum, or just the ones they elect?
