
Mar 31, 2009

Washington Post Attacked On Social Security

I had posted earlier about an article in the Washington Post on the recession and Social Security. I have also mentioned some time ago that the Washington Post has moved significantly to the right in recent years. Take a look at these excerpts from a piece in The American Prospect:

The Washington Post has long been a strong proponent of reducing Social Security benefits. While it frequently expresses this view in editorials and in the opeds it chooses to publish, it also pushes its editorial position in the news section.

In keeping with this practice, it headlined an article today, "Recession Puts a Major Strain On Social Security Trust Fund."...

While those seeking to cut Social Security benefits are highlighting these new projections, in reality they have very little significance for the program. ... The lower projected surpluses for the next few years will have some impact (if the projections prove correct) on the date at which the fund is projected to be depleted, but the projected depletion date will almost certainly be beyond 2040 ...


  1. There is nothing right wing about that Washington Post article. Now it might seem to be right wing when get your news from NPR, The Nation and Mother Jones.

  2. Plenty right wing about it. Just nothing right, meaning accurate. As to Mother Jones, I don't read it. As to the way the Trust Fund works,I know all about it and the WaPo is wrong as usual when it comes to domestic policy. Might as well read the Washington Times. Phui. Nuff said.
