
May 26, 2009

Interesting Sidelight On Sotomayor Nomination

President Obama has nominated Judge Sonia Sotomayor to become an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court. Interestingly, Wikipedia says that at age 8 Sotomayor was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. I think many of the people who read this blog understand the significance of this history. Her diabetes is already raising concerns.


  1. If Ms. Sotomayor's diabetes were a serious challenge to her health, it would probably be apparent already. No problems shown so far doesn't mean she won't have problems later, but no one can predict what the future holds even for apparently healthy people. This is silly stuff, and the sort of concerns expressed("too many sick days", "hypoglycemic episodes in court") are ridiculous. Remember Rehnquist's terminal thyroid cancer? He was ill for a long time without attracting attention and became medically addicted to oxycontin for pain, and no one turned a hair. More to the point, no one then or now has questioned his legal judgement on the bench. Phui. Besides, she's Puerto Rican! Hooray por la Borriquena! Whoops. Unseemly emotion will be promptly supressed.

  2. Judge Sotomayor's selection appears to me to be based upon the merits of her experience. The issues of "diversity" and her health will no doubt be picked over by the GOP rightwingers who are posed to oppose ANYONE appointed by the President. I look forward to heraring more about her in confimration and to a timely "up or down vote" in the Senate for which GW Bush used to argue.

  3. The fact is, Democrats have always opposed Republican nominees on political grounds, while the Republicans have always caved on Democrat nominees because they do not want be be perceived as "mean-spirited." Ruth Bader-Ginsburg is way farther to the left than Bork was to the right, but which one got approved?

  4. Fact is, confirmation vote for Antonin Scalia was 98-0. That's a lot of Democrats "caving"
