
May 23, 2009

They Must Be Ergonomic!

A notice posted on FedBizOpps.Gov reveals that the Social Security Administration "is seeking quotations for a quantity of 8,800 ergonomic shaped water bottles with logo imprint."


  1. EXsqueeeeze me???? Water bottles with a logo?? Haven't they heard that water bottles are an ecological hazard! Sweet mother McCree, I cant stands anymore!

  2. I'm sure they mean reusable, refillable water bottles. =environmentally friendly.

  3. Very much like N.O. above, I can't believe it, but for a different reason. We're all sitting in front of our computers for some protion of the day, simply waiting for the blasted things to connect. Not enough bandwidth. some of us are buying office supplies to use for SSA's interest, although I can'really believe that the Agency can't cover that. Now they're buying water bottles and insisting that we do still more with still less.

  4. Nothing new about this.

    In the past, they've bought tens of thousands of pill boxes, lipsticks, jar openers, business card holders, letter openers, pens, pencils, and other promotional items emblazoned with the agency's name and web address for advertisement pruposes. The items are given away at functions where the agency is present to promote its services and activities.

    Is it a waste of money? Sure. But I'm sure it got somebody a promotion or bonus.
