
Jun 4, 2009

Instructions On Those $250 Payments

You might think that by now all of the $250 economic stimulus payments to Social Security beneficiaries have been paid. Wrong. Claimants are still becoming newly eligible for those payments as they are retroactively approved for benefits during the appropriate time period. The vast majority of these are disabled individuals who delayed in filing claims or had to wait for Social Security to adjudicate their cases. Those claimants can become eligible for $250 payments through the end of next year. Social Security has issued staff instructions saying that these payments will not be made at the same time as the back benefit payments to the claimants. They will be batched and paid every three months as separate payments.

Also, some recipients just do not want their $250 economic recovery payments. Social Security has also issued staff instructions for dealing with those folks. Basically, they say to tell the claimant to please take the money and then make a gift to the federal government but there are also instructions for claimants who return their checks.


  1. Why would some people refuse the payment?

  2. "Why would some people refuse the payment?"

    Idiots. LOL It think the payments and bailouts are a huge waste of money the government doesn't have, but if I get a check I sure as hell am not giving it back.

  3. Social security payments are not based on financial need and is received by the wealthy as well as the poor and the middle class. Perhaps some just do not need it and don't wish to accept it.

  4. Well, maybe because you might have to cough it up again in taxes paid next year. My annuity is subject to taxation with my husband's RIB. Result, gross income goes up and maybe taxes. We didn't need the $250 and it went in the bank. This stimulus stuff is not always as effective as planned for this reason--variable fincial situations of retired people. Oh well. Next years taxes await.
