
Jun 22, 2009

New Teleservice Center Coming

From a press release issued by Social Security:

Michael J. Astrue, Commissioner of Social Security, today announced that the agency plans to open a new teleservice center (TSC) in Jackson, Tennessee, which will be the first new call center opened by Social Security in more than a decade. The Jackson TSC will employ about 175 people once it is fully operational. ...

Social Security currently has 35 TSCs operating in locations all across the country. rking closely with the General Services Administration to facilitate the process for opening the new TSC. The process provides for open competition and normally takes 18 to 24 months to complete.

Update: Jackson is in Tennessee's 8th Congressional District. That District is represented by John Tanner, the Chairman of the Social Security Subcommittee of the House Ways and Means Committee. Tanner seems quite pleased by the announcement.


  1. They could use their budget more wisely.Using live,online customer support.

  2. You think a lot of Social Security and SSI claimants would use online customer support?

  3. Yes.It would save ssa money.Using home based rep's.

  4. I'm sure this has been in the planning stages for some time and I don't know what the unemployment rate is in Jackson, TN. It would be nice if they could put centers like this in economically depressed areas with really high unemployment like the upper pennisula of Michigan.

  5. Accd'g to the statistics at the BLE, Madison County, TN has a 9.9% unemployment rate. Neighboring counties have unemployment rates ranging from 9.8% to 15.1%.

    The same range for counties in upper Michigan is from 10.5 to 24.9%. FYI.
