
Jun 17, 2009

Occupational Information Development Project

Social Security's Occupational Information Development Advisory Panel has posted a summary of its recent meeting in Chicago. I am not sure what this panel is up to. That makes me nervous. This subject may seem incredibly technical and unimportant to many readers of this blog, but let me assure you that it is central to Social Security disability determination. Far more disability claims could be allowed or far more could be denied based upon what this panel does. This is very close to the bone.

1 comment:

  1. Can y'all understand exactly what they are doing? Is this about the DOT or not? It almost sounds like they are going to rewrite the residual functional capacity regs for mental impairments. If so, I have a few things to say about personality disorders as a basis for allowance. Comments such as -- How do you show you have an antisocial personality disorder? Ummm, burglarize peoples' houses? Rob 7-11's? Ya know, I don't think committing crimes or having burned down your mama's house is a very good reason to give benes to someone. I have seen claims allowed on pedophilia alone, so I am not happy with the current mental disorder standards. Sounds like I'd be even less happy with these folks' notions of what is disabled in that regard.
