
Jul 18, 2009

AFGE Jumps On Conference Criticism

From Al Kamen's Inside the Loop column at the Washington Post:
The American Federation of Government Employees [AFGE]... estimated the gathering -- which it said included receptions, door prizes, skits, a dance troupe, a lunchtime comedian and a trip to a casino -- cost $750,000, not including salaries. That, said Witold Skwierczynski, president of the union's field office local, was a "callous waste of money when video conferencing is available."

He said SSA had recently installed a "state-of-the-art" interactive video system for training new and newly promoted employees. "These employees sit in an office and watch on IVT while trainers instruct them from remote locations," Skwierczynski said. "Apparently the folks who run SSA feel" that's fine for lower-level employees but "managers deserve the amenities of the Arizona Biltmore when they get instruction."


  1. Unless the San Francisco Region operates differently than the Chicago Region, when I attended one of these conferences we, the attendees, had to send checks ahead of time to one of the organizers for $20, $50 or whatever to pay for the snacks at break, the "door prizes", etc. even if we did not receive a prize, participate in the entertainment, etc. These management sessions were most valuable to me because it was a rare chance to brain storm with my peers and find out what was working in other offices. This is something that can't be done on a teleconference or video conference because only one person can talk at a time and it is all controlled by a moderator. These conferences are not held very often - probably no more often that every five years or so in most regions. As for it being at a resort -it has to be at a place large enough to accomodate everyone and has to be willing to give the agency a good deal. $84 per night was a very good deal and apparently the best they were able to find. And all the expenses for family members and casino trips, etc. were paid for by the managers and supervisors themselves.

  2. Yeah, I keep forgetting to mention the fact that attendees pay for all the little things cited as perks. Out of pocket in advance, not reimbursed. The thing I have seen elsewhere is that Rep. Tanner, chairman of the SSA subcommittee of Ways and Means, has popped a tractor tire over this deal. Chairman Tanner is a Blue Dog born and bred. I keep asking myself how SSA happened to be so lucky as to get a subcommittee chair who's a Blue Dog, especially when Rangel is the chairman of Ways and Means. But, you know, I doubt the answer would make me very happy. So, AFGE gets to pile on. The more the merrier.

  3. The individuals who do most of the work are claims representatives and service representatives. This was a recruiting conference since the "alleged contract" will expire on August 15, 2009 and half the individuals who attended the conference had less than two years experience. Finally, congratulations are in order to Mr. Spencer for the bonus award of $26,150 in 2008. Now, let's Tango!

  4. Funny how no one mentions the Front Line conferences, held a couple of times per year for CRs and SRs. These travel/lodging expenses are paid by the agency as well. Bet you won't see AFGE griping about those, will you? The sad thing is that all the pub about the training forum will probably result in no more conferences for the staffs. Way to go, AFGE!

  5. Not to mention that the union members who work at the Biltmore, and other facilities in Phoenix, aren't too happy with AFGE for the chilling effect of their criticism on conference planners. They might as well close down the hotels and send everyone home. After all, SSA employees can just watch the TV when they want to hear from their Commissioner or other leaders.

  6. Please tell me why IVT is always good enough for the rank and file but management gets to take a vacation for training. Please don't say it wasn't a vacation. We all know what it is like to go on government travel.

  7. I worked in the financial management field at headquarters for over 26 years. While performing my duties and responsibilites of mantaining the financial accounting operations of all of SSA, I found that 1. excursions such as this is budgeted annually - or it is earmarked; 2. is totally unnecessary, since SSA boasts of "state of the art" equipment; 3. is geared only to the "privledged" (such as managment relatives); and is a gross waste of tax-payers monies. Trips such as this are falsely identifed as "training". Where in fact it is just a vacation disguised as agency related training. Curtailing excursions of this nature would be of great benefit. It would save billions of dollars annually. See what happens when the feds run-a-muck.

  8. AFGE's 38th Triennial National Convention will be held during week of Monday, August 24 - Friday, August 28, 2009 at the Grand Sierra Resort and Casino in
    Reno, Nevada. Gee, wonder where Witold will be. And since those like Witold spend 100 percent of their tme on union businss yet have their salary paid for by SSA (i.e. the taxpayer), this is the height of hypocrisy.

  9. I have been with SSA for over 30 years in FO's--never heard of a "Front-Line Conference"--what are you talking about? The only times I have gone to government-paid training were for actual, work-related training. No entertainment, no perks, just work. And when I was promoted to TE from T16 CR, I received only IVT crossover T-2 initial claims training, and none of the advanced p/e training I was supposed to get. Oh yeah, and my FO is in the toilet because of catastrophic staffing cuts.

  10. How many SSA/AFGE reps will be attending the Twentieth Annual GSA Child Care Training conference in Orlando, Florida next week...July 21-23, at taxpayer expense?

    The GSA Child Care Training Conference will be held at the Buena Vista Palace Hotel located at 1900 Buena Vista Drive in Lake Buena Vista, just outside Orlando, Florida.

    Some union reps will be traveling with their family and kids. Makes one wonder how much time will actually be spent at the conference. Does anybody take attendance at these things?

  11. If I were in charge of Faux News, I'd be on a plane right now with cameras in hand headed to Orlando for this week's GSA Child Care Training conference. With so many Federal agencies and Unions represented, it will make the SSA conference in Arizona look like small potatoes.
