
Jul 4, 2009


From the St. Petersburg Times:
The days of automated phone calls, lines and long commutes could be coming to an end for local Social Security recipients.

In an effort to alleviate those problems, the Social Security Administration has created a pilot project called "eCongressional," which allows regional congressional offices to have access to sensitive Social Security information affecting local recipients.


  1. Sweet Lord, are they out of their minds?! Congress gets instant access anyhow and they don't call the TSC do they? Nope, they call the DM or the OS/MSS. I better go take my HBP meds.

  2. I would hope that there is someone at SSA monitoring what these people are looking at. Can they go into the Numident or earnings records of anyone?

    Seems to me to be a bad idea to let every member of Congress has access to SSA records. I can get fired if I look up a friend's records, what happens if a Congressman or Senator or someone in their office does it?

  3. Doesn't the Privacy Act apply to Congressional inquiries?
