
Aug 23, 2009

No COLA This Year

From the Associated Press:
Millions of older people face shrinking Social Security checks next year, the first time in a generation that payments would not rise.

The trustees who oversee Social Security are projecting there won't be a cost of living adjustment (COLA) for the next two years. ...

More than 32 million people are in the Medicare prescription drug program. Average monthly premiums are set to go from $28 this year to $30 next year, though they vary by plan. About 6 million people in the program have premiums deducted from their monthly Social Security payments, according to the Social Security Administration.

Millions of people with Medicare Part B coverage for doctors' visits also have their premiums deducted from Social Security payments. Part B premiums are expected to rise as well. But under the law, the increase cannot be larger than the increase in Social Security benefits for most recipients.

There is no such hold-harmless provision for drug premiums.

[Barbara] Kennelly's group [the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare] wants Congress to increase Social Security benefits next year, even though the formula doesn't call for it. She would like to see either a 1 percent increase in monthly payments or a one-time payment of $150. ...

"Seniors may perceive that they are being hurt because there is no COLA, but they are in fact not getting hurt," said Andrew G. Biggs, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, a Washington think tank. "Congress has to be able to tell people they are not getting everything they want."


  1. Andrew Biggs has a number of useful insights into the utility of the Medicare program. In sum, he thinks it's a waste of money and that beneficiaries aren't paying their way. Too much money going out, too little going in, and we should just scrap Title XVIII and invest the money. Right. I personally wouldn't take Biggs' advice about what day of the week it was. But, if I were a Congress person facing reelection in 2010 I'd bid him good day, and raise the damn benefits as Kenelley suggests. This address will get you to a recent article Biggs wrote about Medicare. Read it and judge for yourself.

  2. Are you guys going to get involved in the decision NOT to pay cost of living increases for SSA recipients? This is the worst part of the economic decline and it's hard enough to live as it is on Social Security. We look forward to this increase every year being it's the only one we get. All of out bills will still increase but our income won't! A $250 stimulus payment (which I never personally received) just won't cut it and is an embarrassment as an excuse not to pay the COLA for the next two years.
    This is a shame and I hope you decide to get involved. I will be contacting all of my the Congressmen and women and Representatives in my state DESPITE political affiliation to oppose or reverse this! Please get involved and help!!!!
    Just write them a simple email asking them to oppose it or this is a good template for a letter.

  3. Anon #2--Your not supposed to be living on Social Security. It's a shame you didn't plan for retirement better.

  4. Why do we have laws? Everything was just fine with benefits going up every year, but as soon as there is one year without a COLA, OMG we can't have that. If that's the case, just get rid of the law and and have Congress go back to voting on what the increase should be each year.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. You left this out of the article: "Critics note that recipients got a big increase in January — after energy prices had started to fall. They also note that Social Security recipients received one-time $250 payments in the spring as part of the government's economic stimulus package."

    But I still agree that the no COLA this year is a bad idea. It's really an issue with the CPI and how it's used to hide the true inflation rate. I found an article about it if you're curious:

  7. "It's really an issue with the CPI and how it's used to hide the true inflation rate."

    No one seemed to have a problem with it when it went up 5.8 percent this year. Now that it isn't going up there's problem with the CPI.

    If Social Security and SSI benificaries are given a COLA this year, then federal civilian and military retirees should be given one too.

  8. No cola is no different than private sector employment.

    Now if government reduce alj,senior attorney salaries,etc, with other government reductions.Healthcare can be funded.


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