
Aug 4, 2009

Social Security Seeks OMB Approval For Three Final Rules

All federal agencies must obtain the approval of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), which is part of the White House, before posting either proposed or final regulations in the Federal Register. Social Security has just submitted three final regulations to OMB for approval. One would update the Malignant Neoplastic disease -- or cancer -- listings, another would allow benefit payments to people living in Viet Nam and Cambodia and the third would:
... revise our rules regarding payment of representative fees to allow representatives, in certain cases, to charge and receive a fee for their services from certain third parties without requiring our approval. We also plan to eliminate the requirement that we approve fees for legal guardians or court-appointed representatives providing representational services in claims before us if a court has already authorized their fees. Lastly, we plan to define "legal guardians or court-appointed representatives."
These are the first regulations of any substance that Social Security has submitted to OMB since the inauguration.

1 comment:

  1. Whatever became of the mental listings revisions which were submitted long ago?
