
Aug 18, 2009

When Will Deputy Commissioner Be Nominated?

Barack Obama has yet to nominate anyone for Deputy Commissioner of Social Security, a job last held by Andrew Biggs on a recess appointment. It is seven months into this Administration, so it may be getting time for something to happen. However, the President still has not nominated anyone to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and that is obviously a crucial job.


  1. Gone 7 months without one, I guess that position could be eliminated. Obviously, not critical to the operation of the agency.

  2. Gotta love how commissioners think that the agency would just collapse without them...

  3. These are layups. Obama is too busy shooting three pointers.

  4. "These are layups. Obama is too busy shooting three pointers"

    With the health care plan, I think he's going to foul out.

  5. My goodness, we can really mix our sports metaphors, can't we.
