
Sep 16, 2009

Charlie Binder Goes Multimedia

Charlie Binder of the Binder and Binder firm that is probably the largest entity representing Social Security claimants has a blog -- although it does not touch or hardly touches on Social Security issues -- and a program on Air America. Take a look at the Yesterday is Gone website to learn more about him.


  1. I guess he doesn't need a blog to stir up business, so he keeps away from Social Security issues. Nice hat. LOL

  2. The Air America Web Site is blocked in PC 7.

  3. I just started seeing these ads on TV and some of the hats he wears to "be a man of the people" make him look silly. no one will believe that an attorney from NY wears a cowboy hat with his suit, he looks goofy.

  4. i used to work there, he actually does wear that hat around the office

  5. I also used to work there. It's pretty much kind of a show w/ the hat. Charles was a former PD from Brooklyn. He is not a cowboy.

    But people either love the hat or hate the hat.
