
Sep 26, 2009

House Approves Continuing Resolution

The federal fiscal year (FY) ends on September 30. To this point no money has been appropriated for Social Security after that date. However, on Friday the House of Representatives approved a continuing resolution that allows Social Security and other agencies to continue spending money for the next month at the same rate as in FY 2009. Presumably, the Senate will follow suit. It remains unclear when Social Security will have a true budget for FY 2010.


  1. If typical, maybe sometime in March 2010!

  2. Probably much sooner than that. The R's aren't in charge any more, remember.

  3. Gee, really? Oh, that's right--the Democrats have controlled Congress since Jan. 2007!!! Almost three years and they are still doing continuing resolutions. What was that about change??

  4. Before congress appropriate any money to social security. I recommend a complete audit. Start by trimming overpaid alj salaries and any other accountable waste.

    Democrats are certainly better for the poor,private working class than republicans,my opinion.
